Contents |
Articles |
Quantitative assessment of intergradation
between two subspecies of Painted Turtles,
Chrysemys picta bellii
and C. P.
marginata, in the Algoma District
of West Central Ontario, Canada.
Wayne F. Weller, Stephen J. Hecnar, Darlene R. Hecnar, Gary
S. Casper, and F. Neil Dawson.
Pathogenicity of
Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis
in larval ambystomatid salamanders.
Matthew D.
Venesky, Matthew J. Parris, and Ronald Altig.
Snakes in the grass: Secretive natural histories defy both
conventional and progressive statistics.
David A. Steen
Genetic structuring of Gopher Tortoise (Gopherus
polyphemus) populations on the
Kennedy Space Center, Florida, USA.
Colleen S. Sinclair, Patrick J.
Dawes, and Richard A. Seigel.
The effects of sand temperature on pre-emergent Green Sea Turtle
Luciano N. Segura and Rodrigo Cajade.
Prevalence of
Salmonella in intestinal mucosal
samples from free-ranging Red-eared Sliders (Trachemys
scripta elegans) in Illinois.
Anne M. Readel, Christopher A. Phillips, and Tony L. Goldberg.
Habitat use and movements of Kingsnakes (Lampropeltis
getula holbrooki) in a partially
abandoned and reforested agricultural landscape.
Michael V.
Status of the Culebra Island Giant Anole (Anolis
Ava Gaa
Ojeda Kessler.
Influence of forest cover on tadpole vital rates in two tropical
treefrogs. Tanya J. Hawley.
Demographic and geographic variation in food
habits of American Alligators (Alligator
Steven W.
Symposium |
Symposium of the 6th
World Congress of Herpetology
Reproduction in Reptiles: from Genes to Ecology
Reproduction in reptiles from genes to ecology: A retrospective and
prospective vision.
Michael B. Thompson, Daniel G. Blackburn,
and Scott L. Parker.
Paracellular and transcellular transport across the squamate uterine
Joanna M. Biazik, Michael B.
Thompson, and Christopher R. Murphy.
Reproductive specialization in a viviparous African skink and its
implications for evolution and conservation.
Daniel G. Blackburn and Alexander F. Flemming.
Equal thermal opportunity does not result in equal gestation length
in a cool-climate skink and gecko.
Alison Cree and Kelly M. Hare.
Conceptual model for thermal limits on the distribution of reptiles.
J. Sean Doody and Jennifer A.
Calcium ATPase localization in the uterus of
two species of Pseudemoia
(Lacertilia: Scincidae) with complex placentae.
Jacquie F.
Herbert, Christopher R. Murphy, and Michael B. Thompson.
Evolution and development of the extraembryonic membranes in
lizards: Heterochronies and placentotrophy.
Francisca Leal and Martha Patricia Ramírez-Pinilla
Assisted breeding of skinks or how to teach a lizard old tricks!
Frank C. Molinia, Trent Bell, Grant
Norbury, Alison Cree, and Dianne M. Gleeson.
Comparative placentation, epithelial plasticity and the "efficient
barrier hypothesis."
Christopher R. Murphy.
Thermosensitive period for sex determination in the Tuatara.
Nicola J. Nelson, Jennifer A.
Moore, Sushila Pillai, and Susan N. Keall.
Uterine angiogenesis in squamate reptiles: Implications for the
evolution of viviparity.
Scott L. Parker, Christopher R. Murphy, and Michael B. Thompson.
Cytokines in vertebrate reproduction.
Luana Paulesu, Silke Jantra, Francesca Ietta,
Rossana Brizzi, Anna Maria Avanzati, and Elisa Bigliardi.
Patterns of maternal provision and embryonic mobilization of calcium
in oviparous and viviparous squamate reptiles.
James R. Stewart and Tom W. Ecay.
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