Published History
Herpetological Conservation and Biology was conceived in 2006 out of necessity. In a time when most journals shunned manuscripts that were descriptive or natural history oriented, our journal filled an obvious void.
Herpetological Conservation and Biology is still unique today. Although there are an increasing number of open-access electronic journals, we do not charge authors exorbitant fees for the privilege of making their valuable research available to anyone with access to a computer.
Herpetological Conservation and Biology has chronicled its inception and growth in a series of published editorials available at the link below.
Section Editors
Assistant & Associate Editors
Sean J. Barry
Production Manager
Robert E. Lovich
Communications Editor
David J. Germano
Lead Copy Editor
Final Copy Editor
Raymond A. Saumure
Managing & Photo Gallery Editor
The Governing Board of Herpetological Conservation and Biology is comprised of seven members:

Stanley E. Trauth
Special Publications Editor
Emeritus Professor
Arkansas State University
Jonesboro, Arkansas

David J. Germano
Reptile Section Editor
California State University - Bakersfield
Bakersfield, California