Volume 19, Issue 1 (April 2024)






New Production Manager

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Peer Reviewers 2022–2023

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Research Articles


Smell and Tell: Behavior Associated with Chemosensory Stimuli in Guatemalan Beaded Lizards (Heloderma charlesbogerti)

Noah J. Carl, Jenny S. Paul, and Joseph Mendelson III

Effect of Seasonal Changes and River Structures on the Behavioral Patterns of the Hybrid Giant Salamander in the Kamo River, Japan

Koshiro Hara, Shintaro Tabuchi, Hideaki Nishizawa, Kanto Nishikawa, and Hiromichi Mitamura

Woody Understory Vegetation Removal Alters the Microclimatic Profiles of Rock Crevices Used by Green Salamanders (Aneides aeneus) in the Cumberland Mountains of Virginia, USA

Walter H. Smith

A 10-year Study of Northern Leopard Frog (Rana pipiens) Reproduction in East-central Nevada, USA

Aaron M. Ambos, Raymond A. Saumure, Audrey R. Bennett, Signa L. Gundlach, Nancy A. Beecher, and Zane L. Marshall
[Supplemental Information]

Anuran Community Occupancy Dynamics in Wayne National Forest in Southeast Ohio, USA

Andrew Connolly and Viorel D. Popescu

Effects of Hydrologic Variability on the Development of Lithobates sphenocephalus

Konstantinos Andriotis, Kevin L. Fouts, and Kristen K. Cecala

Variation in Cold Tolerance of Northern Edge Populations of the Common House Gecko (Hemidactylus frenatus)

Shan-Dar Tao and Mamoru Toda
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Urban Land Cover Associated with Space Use in Woodland Box Turtles (Terrapene carolina carolina)

Ashley E. Graham and Kiyoshi Sasaki
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Hiding in Plain Sight: Federally Protected Ringed Map Turtles (Graptemys oculifera) Found in a New River System

Brad M. Glorioso, Will Selman, Brian R. Kreiser, and Aidan Ford

Estimating the Sex Ratio of Adult Olive Ridley Turtles in the Mexican Pacific: A Biometric Study

Rodolfo Martín-del-Campo, Alessandra Bielli,Christian D. Ortega-Ortiz, Ingmar Sosa-Cornejo, David Petatán-Ramírez, Zuleika B. González-Camacho, and Horacio Merchant-Larios

Development and Validation of a Scoring System for Abnormalities in the Gopher Frog (Rana capito)

Kiersten N. Nelson, Adam J. McFall, E. Tucker Stonecypher, Christian S. Swartzbaugh, Matthew C. Allender, and Stacey L. Lance
[Supplemental Information]

Distribution and Abundance of Graptemys oculiferae (Ringed Sawback) and Graptemys pearlensis (Pearl Map Turtle) in the Pearl River System of Louisiana, USA

Will Selman

Seasonal Effects on Dietary Resource Utilization of Syntopic Watersnakes

Micah W. Perkins and Perri K. Eason