Volume 19, Issue 2 (August 2024)



Research Articles


Foothill Yellow-legged Frog (Rana boylii) Distribution and Oviposition Sites on Managed Timberlands in Coastal Northwestern California, USA

Matt R. Kluber, Matthew R. House, Ryan M. Bourque, Patrick T. Righter, and William D. Devenport

Using Call Surveys and Ecological Niche Modeling to Assess the Distribution and Status of Crawfish Frogs (Lithobates areolatus) in Louisiana, USA

Simon R. Boycott, Julia E. Earl, and Donald B. Shepard
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Habitat Quality of Restored Wetlands in Agricultural Systems for Freshwater Turtles

Donald J. Brown, Alissa L. Gulette, Jami M. Baker, Joseph Hatton, and James T. Anderson

Verge Characteristics Along Unpaved Roads are not Correlated with Presence of Two Early Successional Lizard Species

David R. Tevs, Aaron W. Schrey, and Lance D. McBrayer

Reproductive Biology of the Northern Slimy Salamander (Plethodon glutinosus) from a Cave in Northern Alabama, USA

Kayla L. Wilson, K. Denise Kendall Niemiller, and Matthew L. Niemiller

Investigating Diet Shifts of Tropidurus torquatus in the Rainy Season Based on Age, Sex, and Pregnancy in a Coastal Habitat of Southeastern Brazil

Marina C.P. Maia, Gisele R. Winck, Júlio C.F. Proença-Gomes, and Carlos F.D. Rocha

Aspects of the Reproductive Biology of Aubria subsigillata (Anura, Pyxicephalidae) Harvested for Food in West Africa

Houénafa A.C. Gansa, Mahugnon Benjamin Hounkanrin, Hyppolite Agadjihouèdé, and Elie Montchowui

High Occupancy of European Leaf-toed Gecko in Two Island Stands of Eucalyptus sp.: Tree Selection, Habitat Effect, and Syntopy with Other Gecko Species

Grégory Deso, Pauline Priol, Thierry Reynier, and Julien Renet

A Tale of Two Turtles: Sympatry of Two Lotic Musk Turtle Species in the Pascagoula River Drainage

Grover J. Brown and Brian R. Kreiser

Reflectance Changes in a Tiny Threatened Gecko do not Impede Computer-assisted Individual Recognition

Cindy Monnet, Théo Dokhelar, and Julien Renet

Utility of the AHDriFT Camera Trap System to Survey Snakes in a Wetland Complex

Trevor L. Proctor, Mark A. Jordan, and Scott M. Bergeson

Injury Recovery in a Juvenile Green Sea Turtle Chelonia mydas in a Foraging Ground in the Southwest Atlantic, Brazil

Deisi C. Balensiefer, Gustavo Martinez-Souza, Yohany A. A. Perez, Thayana Gião, Raphael M. Pinotti, and Gonzalo Velasco

Migrations and Seasonal Patterns of Habitat Use in the Adder (Vipera berus): Implications for the Conservation and Management of Local Populations

Dirk Bauwens and Katja Claus
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Gopher Tortoise (Gopherus polyphemus) Densities and Habitat Suitability Across a Xeric-Mesic Gradient in Peninsular Florida, USA

Kameron C. Voves and Betsie B. Rothermel
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Spatial Ecology and Habitat Use of Northern Water Snakes (Nerodia sipedon sipedon) in a Rural Michigan, USA, Landscape

John W. Rowe, Chelsea E. Martin, Tyler M. Goerge, William P. Mulligan, and Morgan R. Fonley

The Herpetofauna of Boqueirão da Onça: an Important Natural Heritage Site in the Caatinga of Brazil

Diego Gomiero Cavalheri, Danilo José Vieira Capela, Diego José Santana, Lucas Ferriolli Mariotto, and Sarah Mângia
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